a red
folded layered petaled form
tender sweetly softly scented fragile
unequaled embedded creativity
en wrapped in love, peaceful calm
in a storm, protected shielded
by green guards spread fanlike
side by side at a distance,
sharp thorns adorn.
many will call it a scented red rose
irresistible, lovely to be held close
What does she behold ?
visions expand to reveal
Graces of Goddess Royal
Spring Flowers, Love loyal
scented aura wafting engulfing
mystifying soothing comforting
Creativity Sublime laid in humility
Someone bent to hold
and rose, to raise
beauty color grandeur to praise
tender is the twig, alive leaves
petals shiver shake open
smile, tremble as if to say
'I thought the horse fell and the carriage broke
I was hoping waiting.
O' Your Highness...
Now I can wither in peace’