I had been thinking about what a difficult place this world can be. It is populated by prejudice, poverty, harsh judgments and tragic occurrences. Reflecting on this, some sad examples presented themselves and led to the writing of the poem.
Frank is a retired physician whose writings tend to be of a spiritual/ inspirational/metaphysical nature. He attempts to comment on the human experience with all its beauty,its pain and its challenges. Over the last 4 years, more than 90 pieces have appeared online and/or in print.
I want to know, won't you tell me?
I want to know, skin of coal, what
is it like to be a minor chord in the
white man's musical? Don't sing
for me just tell me. I want to know.
I want to know, church mouse, what
it's like to hunt for bread, overhead a
roof leaking tears upon your children's
faces. No, I'll not trade places. But
tell me, I want to know. I need to know.
And, yes, I heard that you were taken
against your will and “the rabbit died”
so now you want to because the Right
says you're wrong to seek a termination.
Tell me, tell me please, what that's like?
I want to know, gay fellow, what's it like?
Oh, not the acts (they're familiar by now).
What's it like to be told you cannot hold
a hand or wipe a brow? What's it like to
not find love, not find love! What's it like?
Oh, and you there in the uniform, what's it
like to take a life or catch a missile with
your chest or arrive home, flag-draped, with
only “Taps” to console your mother? Dare I,
dare I, in the name of God, dare I ask to know?