Old Vision :
"This is What It
Just a space for
bikes to pass through ; Next to the
Underpass cars
passing by it seemingly bland and irrelevent, Practical place but
inconscpicous. Darkly lit at night
families ride bikes through it in the day and others pass through it at night.
New Vision : "This
is What It Could Be"
Seen through a new
lens this place becomes a Unique experience; Darkly lit ambience
becomes something else entirely Not an afterthought
in a coffee shop or poorly planned night with chairs turned In the wrong
direction. Creation of an open "UN" Mic!
Party for
Express ourselves
however we choose poem, dance or song.
In the tunnel we
own the event. It is all about the art not a forethought or afterthought but
the only complete thought needed. Join Our Movement
the Tunnel Performance Society