I was reflecting on how little I had learned (of what is truly important) from pleasurable experiences ( basically, only that I wanted more of those experiences). On the other hand, painful experiences brought, eventually, a better understanding of myself and my relationship to others and to my Source. Hence, my gratitude to life's "rain."
I have never met anyone who did not like some form of music. Music seems to minimize individual differences, while words may magnify them. Music seems to speak for the Oneness of Spirit in which we all share equally. As I reflected on these thoughts and the notes on the piano, this poem came to me.
Frank is a retired physician whose writings tend to be of a spiritual/ inspirational/metaphysical nature. He attempts to comment on the human experience with all its beauty,its pain and its challenges. Over the last 4 years, more than 90 pieces have appeared online and/or in print.
Seven white, five black
form all music's core.
Five black, seven white-
no composer cries for
Twelve apostles alone we
find in every earthly nation.
Caressed by an ever tender
Hand, their song's a lush
C said B sharp is my name.
E sharp is merely F. All
differences reign more
apparent than real. A clef
cannot be cleft.
Regardless of the piece
that's played, on this we
need not vote: Music is
a Oneness poem. We are
the thirteenth note.