The Club

despite the absence of
an inspired wind, all
fallen leaves giggle, busy reporting
to their invisible roots
like infants smiling from ear to ear
when recalling all the fun
they used to enjoy in their former lives


lying down too low
for too long
how this rock longs to rise
standing boldly high against the autumn sky
like a douglas fir, or
a bamboo shoot

but it is always the tallest one
that suffers most attacks from the wind
that is cut down before all other trees

Hyper Grammatical Poems: Preposition

Exactly like a coordinate system
You locate
Any nominal identity
In time
In space
In logic

More like a physical linkage
You enjoy introducing
Each solitary soul
As an object
In an adjective or adverbial phrase
To modify
The more important elements of
A muted human statement

Hyper Grammatical Poems: Pronoun

Like a stage play
Reenacting an experienced
Or un-experienced
Moment in space
A place in time
Before an eager audience
To make their daily existence
Less repetitive
Less cumbersome
Less political